Frequently Asked Career Questions

How old do I have to be to work at Carter Lumber?
18 years old.

What employment opportunities are available at Carter Lumber?
Click here to search for job opportunities. Available job positions vary per store location. Someone will be in contact with you if your qualifications match an open position.

How can I submit an application to Carter Lumber?
Simply search for positions and complete the online application for the career of your choice.

How long does it take to complete the application process?
Our application process typically takes 15 -20 minutes if you have a resume ready to upload. After finishing the application, you will receive a completion confirmation email.

Why can’t I submit my resume via U.S. Mail or Fax?
Our hiring managers receive emails for every application submitted. Using the U.S. mail system or fax could delay your application from getting into the right hands, thus causing you to miss out on an opportunity.

I submitted an online application, but I’d like to mail it to you just to make sure you received it.
Mailing your resume is not necessary. Your online application is made available to our Human Resources Department as well as managers in the field. This is the best way to ensure your information is placed in the right hands.

Is there a person I can follow up with to discuss my qualifications?
A Carter Lumber hiring manager will contact you directly should your qualifications meet our current position requirements.

How long will Carter Lumber keep my resume on file?
Completed applications are stored in our electronic database for one year.

Do I have to submit to any tests to gain employment at Carter Lumber?
Our pre-employment process consists of a drug screen, credit check and a background check. Drivers are required to undergo additional testing to comply with Federal and State DOT laws and regulations.